The Metaphysical Review is an international creative publication founded by alumni of the Iowa Young Writers' Studio and dedicated to featuring exceptional pieces by writers of all ages ~ from high schoolers to MFA candidates to elderly, we openly welcome works that transcend the mere limits of conventional forms or narratives and truly excel in their vision. We also aim to voice the experiences of those who are part of diasporas and marginalized creatives, giving them a platform for their trademarks and unique experiences. Our issue publishes seasonally. 

Following our publications, we also hold international chapters where our staff are located. Currently, we hold chapters in Libertyville, Illinois; San Diego, California, and Toronto, Ontario. Our chapters seek to provide a local community with the resources of the Metaphysical Review to educate, create, and inspire with fellow creatives in the region. Please email us if you are interested in collaborating with a local chapter.

We firmly believe that every child, every student, and every adult should have the best support on their creative journey. So no matter what their background, country, or socioeconomic status, they deserve the resources needed to thrive. Thus, we created multiple creative writing courses by our highly-trained and nationally-recognized staff to provide these materials, especially those who need them the most— the illiterate, the oppressed and ethnically marginalized, the underprivileged. And paired with our chapters, we are dedicated to distributing these materials across the globe and nurturing the art of literary composition everywhere. To the communities of San Diego, to the suburbs of Illinois, to the turbulent streets of Hong Kong.

To those who need a voice, and who will be silenced no more.

Our contributing writers and staff have had their work recognized by the National YoungArts Foundation as National Finalists, Merit Winners, and Honorable Mention Winners; the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards as National Gold and Silver Medalists and American Voices Winners; the All American High School Film Festival; and more. Their work has been published in publications such as diode poetry journal, Kissing Dynamite, perhappened mag, among others. They are alumni of programs such as the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship, the Kenyon Young Writers’ Workshop, and the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio.

We view our publication as part of a larger ecosystem of creatives and constantly are interacting with individuals and organizations of similar visions. If you/your organization feel that you have a similar vision and wish to collaborate, please email us at
